About Us

What we are doing
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Welcome to Great Family Movies! We are trying to do two things here. First we want to help you find movies that are free of objectionable content and second we want to help you find movies that are actually good. It hurts the soul to watch movies with bad stuff and it's also soul-sucking to watch movies that are just plain bad.

A one of a kind curated list
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We feature a selection of films that are fun, entertaining, well-made, and free from objectionable content. If you find your sensibilities are close to ours then you can use us to plan your next great family movie night. With so many good movies out there it's time we stopped watching all these mindless sequels and unoriginal films.

Send us your best!
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We welcome suggestions from our audience. If you have a favorite family movie you’d like to share, please use our contact form to send us your nomination.
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